Friday, June 8, 2012

Saying hello to a friend is worth more than a workout

Thursday night, Cathy and I attended a reception for Mayors from Western U.S. Cities who are visiting with Mayor Becker here in Salt Lake City.  We decided when we arrived home, that a workout was needed to help offset some of the yummy goods at the Oyster Bar in downtown Salt Lake.  We set off on our ride (see route) and were clipping along and intended to finish strong, when I passed the home of a friend and he was sitting on his porch.  This gentleman, quite a bit older than me, has been a great supporter of mine over the years, but more than that, has been one of the most generous people in Rose Park with their means in helping a lot of people.  Plagued with years of a failing heart, and recently told that there was not much more they could do for him, it was a reminder that we cherish our moments here on earth with those we love and do what's right, less we are not given another chance.  While our visit was short, and I certainly hope not our last, I was much more grateful to be able to talk with him, than any incremental benefit I would have received from my ride.

I'm pleased to report our dog Daisy has lost another four pounds!  She has regained her vigor and is doing so much better that it is scary that her weight made such a difference in her ability to move around and function.  It's not too unlike us as humans, but a good reminder that we owe it to our pets to be more judicious about what and how much we feed them!

Today, we also formally opened the Jordan River Parkway Trail from 1800 North to the Davis County connection or the "Cheveron Mile".  It's a link that we have had funded for a couple of years, but ran into some environmental issues that we wanted to make sure we did it correctly, when built.  I spoke at the event and did a live shot for the noon news on Fox 13 (see video).  We have one segment between 200 South and North Temple that we want to complete and are working with Union Pacific to figure out how to get around the rail lines there.  With that segment, it will be complete through Salt Lake City.

Boy is she a cute one!

I am pleased to announce that I hit the 40 mark.  No not age, that my friend Van Turner brought over his hearse for (and which I later blessed Cathy with) but in actual weight loss.  I fluctuate a few pounds but trying to not only keep it off, but maybe drop a few more this week if possible.  It is a little more challenging now to loose it and surprise, surprise, I have to eat less to accomplish it.  However I think of it in context of carrying around a bag of rock salt everywhere I went and frankly that's a lot of weight to unnecessarily carry around.  I'm also proud of Cathy and the girls, who have also been successful in their efforts.  It's constant and some days are better than others, but we keep trying!

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