Sunday, December 30, 2012

Family and Friends Carry the Day!

I was reminded this evening how as families, we literally carry each other from time to time, helping us through some of life's most challenging times.  I'm not a huge lover of electronic games.  Not that I don't think they have relevancy or that I don't like technology, but I've never really been that great at the hand-button thing and if it takes a ton of coordination, I am as good as gone.  Tonight, Sarah wanted to play a round of Super Mario on our Wii as a family and I was ready to do my usual dismissal of it, when Cathy gave me that look of "Don't ruin our children forever by not playing with us".  It's tough look by the way....Of course as luck would have it my little blue and white hat guy only had one life, which was quickly disposed of before I knew which button to push.  Thinking that was my magical key to freedom, I was told by my other three colleagues of the Christensen Family that was not acceptable.  It was then that Sarah took up the slack, put me on the top of her character's head and continued to "carry me" through much of the remainder of the game.  I jumped when she told me to jump, fired ice off when she told me to fire ice and moved my little guy the direction she told me to go.  Amazingly I survived a number of rounds until Cathy called the game finished! 

I'm sure there is a Church talk connected to this, but I probably need to come up with a more refined version.  However it was actually very heart warming to see my girls, particularly Sarah step up and carry me in my time of need!  We do that so often day to day and whether it be family or friends, we often help each other out when we aren't quite sure what to do.  One of the things I love about this time of year, is that it really shows and is more apparent in our actions.

Update to a blog I wrote last year about my land of "Misfit Christmas Decorations". A friend of mine, Fred Ross from the SLC Police Department happened to read my blog that day and responded in a very impressive way.  Fred was visiting an auction that was selling Bountiful City's old Christmas decorations at an extremely low price.  He purchased a big lot of them, and donated all I wanted to my cause.  I have to say that I haven't used all the ones Fred gave me, if someone would want any of them, but I did figure out how to integrate a number of the wreaths into my collection.  If you grew up in Bountiful and wondered whatever happened to the Christmas Wreaths that lined your streets, come on by and look at my back driveway off of 800 N (approx 1460 W) and take a look.  I will have to say that getting Christmas decorations from a city that owns its own Power Company is probably not a good indicator of the energy efficiency of these wreaths!  However they look nice and we were able to use bulbs and stuff off other wreaths and in keeping with the spirit of this area, nothing was purchased, including bulb replacements!  If you have those partially lit reindeer around, or not quite sure what do do with that decorations that doesn't meet the standard of your front yard, give me a call!  Thanks Fred for answering the call!

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