Sunday, June 23, 2013

Invitation to learn more..

Family photo following April General Conference
I've written about a wide variety of things on my blog, everything from community to politics, my wallet to Father's Day.  However I've never written directly and invited my readers if they wanted to know more about my belief as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or maybe more importantly how they might know more about getting closer to God and why my faith plays such a significant role in not only my own life but that of my family.  I've been a little envious of my brother's courage, his website (which receives a lot more visits than mine), openly talks about his own belief and readers frequently do inquire of him. I worried for years that in my public service realm, that maybe for some reason, it wasn't appropriate  for me to do so in a public way.  However the reality is that this is my blog, and why is it that I wouldn't want to share something which makes me so happy and gives me the opportunity to help others, with those whom I care or even better yet, those whom I haven't even met yet, is beside me!

I do have a public profile on but I'm sure it gets lost in the many who participate.  I've found in my life of trying to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ, such joy and satisfaction in not only trying to serve others, like the Savior would, but true happiness in enjoying the love and joy of my family.  Having answers to some of life's most difficult questions and knowing that God loves me personally has helped me through some very challenging times.  I don't think it takes anyone very long, who knows me to acknowledge that I'm not perfect, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't afford friends and others from having the same opportunity to know more.

If you have questions you would like to ask, or simply are interested in knowing a little more about the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, feel free to drop me a note or catch me on the street some time (or come on over to the house).  Cathy, Jessica, Sarah and myself would love to chat and if you later decide you're not interested, we hope you'll stay our friends and please know, we will not be offended.  We invite you to know more!

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