I was reminded this evening how as families, we literally carry each other from time to time, helping us through some of life's most challenging times. I'm not a huge lover of electronic games. Not that I don't think they have relevancy or that I don't like technology, but I've never really been that great at the hand-button thing and if it takes a ton of coordination, I am as good as gone. Tonight, Sarah wanted to play a round of Super Mario on our Wii as a family and I was ready to do my usual dismissal of it, when Cathy gave me that look of "Don't ruin our children forever by not playing with us". It's tough look by the way....Of course as luck would have it my little blue and white hat guy only had one life, which was quickly disposed of before I knew which button to push. Thinking that was my magical key to freedom, I was told by my other three colleagues of the Christensen Family that was not acceptable. It was then that Sarah took up the slack, put me on the top of her character's head and continued to "carry me" through much of the remainder of the game. I jumped when she told me to jump, fired ice off when she told me to fire ice and moved my little guy the direction she told me to go. Amazingly I survived a number of rounds until Cathy called the game finished!
I'm sure there is a Church talk connected to this, but I probably need to come up with a more refined version. However it was actually very heart warming to see my girls, particularly Sarah step up and carry me in my time of need! We do that so often day to day and whether it be family or friends, we often help each other out when we aren't quite sure what to do. One of the things I love about this time of year, is that it really shows and is more apparent in our actions.
Update to a blog I wrote last year about my land of "Misfit Christmas Decorations". A friend of mine, Fred Ross from the SLC Police Department happened to read my blog that day and responded in a very impressive way. Fred was visiting an auction that was selling Bountiful City's old Christmas decorations at an extremely low price. He purchased a big lot of them, and donated all I wanted to my cause. I have to say that I haven't used all the ones Fred gave me, if someone would want any of them, but I did figure out how to integrate a number of the wreaths into my collection. If you grew up in Bountiful and wondered whatever happened to the Christmas Wreaths that lined your streets, come on by and look at my back driveway off of 800 N (approx 1460 W) and take a look. I will have to say that getting Christmas decorations from a city that owns its own Power Company is probably not a good indicator of the energy efficiency of these wreaths! However they look nice and we were able to use bulbs and stuff off other wreaths and in keeping with the spirit of this area, nothing was purchased, including bulb replacements! If you have those partially lit reindeer around, or not quite sure what do do with that decorations that doesn't meet the standard of your front yard, give me a call! Thanks Fred for answering the call!
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Christmas Traditions - A time for transitions
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Christensen Family Christmas Tree |
In 1991 when Jessica was a newborn baby, we decided to start acquiring an ornament with each year of her life as part of the Hallmark series. Our initial thought was that as she grew up and moved away, she could take her ornaments with her to start her own tree, starting her own memories. It became a fun part of our tradition each year to take her and let her pick out what mattered to her that year. As Sarah came along in 1999, we started with her as well and our tree started becoming full with both of their ornaments. Along the way friends and family also added to our collection, all with good memories.
We realized a few years ago, that one day our children would in fact grow up and move away and suddenly there would not only be a void in our tradition, but on the tree as well! Our original wood ornaments were also starting to fall apart and glue gun repairs weren't always worth it. We decided to add to our collection, items from experiences that we had or places we've seen. In our collection there is an ornament commemorating the restoration of the Utah State Capitol, the Nauvoo Temple, Boston, the four corners of Utah, or our recent family cruise to Alaska among many. As we hang each ornament, we create for ourselves a found trip down memory lane for our family.
However Christmas also becomes a time for transitions. This year, Jessica was at Utah State when we put up our tree. It just didn't seem right to hang her ornaments without her, so we just set them aside until this evening when she could join us. While the tree seemed full, our hearts knew something was missing. We're not sure we like this transition, but I guess it's coming nevertheless.
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Jessica's ornaments wait patiently for her return |
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Daisy's stocking (our nine year old Lab who passed away) |
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Sock artwork created by Carlton's sister, Nancy |
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Sock Carlton came home in from LDS Hospital in 1965 |
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Thankful for this year's success!
On Thanksgiving Day, I'm thankful for a lot of things, not the least of which is my family. They're the best, stood by me through tough and happy times. Don't know what I would do without them and pray that never happens. I'm so proud of Cathy, Jessica and Sarah and the fact they are willing to call me partner (spouse) and Dad, that I can hardly stand it. Excited to spend the day with them.
Likewise in public service, there are projects that you work on for a long time, and somehow never think they actually will come to fruition. Trax on North Temple is one of those that I've been working on since coming to office. It was with some excitement the other day, driving eastbound on North Temple, that I watched a new Trax train, testing the track and crossing Redwood Road. While not the whole solution for improving the west side of Salt Lake City, it's a huge step and I believe a catalyst in how others perceive it. So much so, that one worry I hold is that in another decade, the area becomes too popular and prices push out many of those who have called it home and some of the traditional residents are not able to afford living here. Good problem to have, I guess, and you can't control that outcome, but a change from today.
Another project that has been exciting to see come out of the ground, is the new Public Safety Building. I walked through it the other day, amazed at all the new and improved opportunities it will provide not only to the public, but the men and women who work to protect our community. A net-zero building designed to use energy resources efficiently, it will provide some great opportunities and be a significant resource to us in good times and bad.
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Trax Trains now testing and running on North Temple |
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Looking west toward the City & County Building out of the new Public Safety Building |
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Sarah George, Director of the Museum of Natural History of Utah
The final for me this year, is the anniversary of the opening of the new Museum of Natural History where I currently serve as President of the Advisory Board. They just celebrated having in excess of 300,000 visitors, doubling the first year projection and receiving numerous award not only for the building but the talent that works in the building every day. It's been an honor to not only have an association with such a fine institution but more importantly to have such a great resource not only for our community but the State and Intermountain Region.
2012 has been a great year, of which I'm can truly say, I'm grateful!
Friday, November 2, 2012
I love these gloves- Their real job is not for fishing!
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Sometimes known as fillet gloves, these are my favorite work gloves |
First of all, they fit my large hands, but the rubber exterior is also great for picking up things, particularly stuff that is slippery. They were thick enough that most poky things didn't penetrate, yet they breath, which make them able to breath well during the summer months. They also, because of their cost, didn't make you feel too bad if you ruined them on a project or got something on them. It was easier to just throw them away. Because of their inexpensive cost, I always kept a few pairs on hand, if I needed to give one to someone else. I split wood, dug dirt, picked up branches, these gloves did it all.
Imagine my shock one day, in going into Harbor Freight to find out they no longer carried them. I always thought they marketed them wrong by having them in the sporting goods area. After all, the job to be done for these gloves were for inexpensive, comfortable covering of hands which was much broader than filleting fish! I tried to find them online, at other sporting good stores, and even hardware stores, but no one, absolutely no one, could furnish the same kind of gloves at the same kind of price.
Falling into despair one day, I remembered that my good friend Dennis Martinson, was a wholesale distributor of all kinds of gloves. He once lived in Rose Park, later moving to Cache Valley area, but we've stayed in touch. The company he sells for, Golden Stag Gloves or www.goldenstaggloves.com actually had my gloves. I can't tell you how psyched I was at the prospect. Now granted, I don't get out much and it is hard to compare many of life's excitements to wearing a work glove, but when you have hands as large as mine and most gloves don't fit, you feel like a second-class citizen. The other day, Dennis and I attended a Rose Park neighbor's funeral together and afterwards, he gave me the opportunity of buying all he had on his truck. I once again have my favorite gloves to wear but now with more caution about making every minute with them count!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Happy Halloween - Yes I do wear costumes
I got in this visicous cycle ever since my first year in office, of wearing a Halloween costume to work and subsequently sneaking (or should I say trying to sneak in) to city hall to deliver a Halloween treat to staff. The problem with it, is that there becomes a growing expectation that you'll continue to do it every year!
From my childhood years, I had been looking through the World Book Encyclepedia trying to figure out what I wanted to be, and came across a Kangaroo. Well to start, there aren't really a lot of Kangaroo costumes on the rack and certainly not for someone who is 6'10" tall. It pretty much started with my dear sister Nancy, talented seamstress who took pity on her baby brother's desire and created a kangaroo costume for me. In that initial year, I carried Jessica as a baby in my pouch, later it would be my stuff dog, Woof Woof. Someone kindly pointed out to me that I was a female kangaroo, since I had the pouch and was carrying the baby. This would be a pattern that I followed all too often!
There was the year, I dressed up as an Orange Flag. Mayor Anderson had initiated them throughout the city, and I was just trying to be patriotic to the cause! Cathy was Martha Stewart that year, although we really needed an orange jump suit, which fit her attire in her temporary home in the Federal Prison system.
One year, I can't seem to find it, I dressed up as a Fairy Princess. I was wearing my sandles that year, and my constituent liasion, Marge Harvey pointed out that my toe nails needed to be painted. For some reason, I let her do it, and boy did they freak me out every time I showered. I kept thinking it would wear off, and it wasn't until a week later that she pointed out to me that I could use fingernail polish remover. Hey guys don't learn that kind of stuff, usually!
In 20120, I dressed as a caveman. I'm on the Advisory Board for the Museum of Natural History and we had a bond measure before the voters. Carrying my pet dino, I made a shameless plug for people voting for the bond. You can now see the outcome of it in one of the most beautiful buildings in the State and one of the top tourist draws in the valley, approaching 300,000 visitors since it opened, nearly a year ago. Proud to now be the President of that Advisory Board.
Last year, running out of ideas, started going to the Hale Center Theater Costume Shop! This is me, dressed as Dumbledore from Harry Potter. I guess because of the beard, everyone thought I was Hagrid. Oh well, they still liked it. It did remind me of why I don't want a beard!
Well that brings us to this year. Yes I have a costume, and yes I plan to show up at City Hall and a few other places, but you'll just have to wait and see....
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It all started when I dressed up as Kangaroo |
There was the year, I dressed up as an Orange Flag. Mayor Anderson had initiated them throughout the city, and I was just trying to be patriotic to the cause! Cathy was Martha Stewart that year, although we really needed an orange jump suit, which fit her attire in her temporary home in the Federal Prison system.
One year, I can't seem to find it, I dressed up as a Fairy Princess. I was wearing my sandles that year, and my constituent liasion, Marge Harvey pointed out that my toe nails needed to be painted. For some reason, I let her do it, and boy did they freak me out every time I showered. I kept thinking it would wear off, and it wasn't until a week later that she pointed out to me that I could use fingernail polish remover. Hey guys don't learn that kind of stuff, usually!
Then there was the West High Cheerleader year. And no, cheerleaders at West don't look like this! Although Chris Burbank, our Chief of Police, who played basketball about the same time I did, at East, tried to convince me that was the case. I thought the little ribbon in my hair, really added to the look!
There was the year I ran for the State Senate in 2008. I was nervous about that one, but decided to capitalize on the occasion, and pretend I was a "Roman Senator" and decorated one of my campaign signs. You know that year, I actually had the endorsement of Mitt Romney, but it was clearly a Democratic year, and well, I'm still a city councilman.....In 20120, I dressed as a caveman. I'm on the Advisory Board for the Museum of Natural History and we had a bond measure before the voters. Carrying my pet dino, I made a shameless plug for people voting for the bond. You can now see the outcome of it in one of the most beautiful buildings in the State and one of the top tourist draws in the valley, approaching 300,000 visitors since it opened, nearly a year ago. Proud to now be the President of that Advisory Board.
Last year, running out of ideas, started going to the Hale Center Theater Costume Shop! This is me, dressed as Dumbledore from Harry Potter. I guess because of the beard, everyone thought I was Hagrid. Oh well, they still liked it. It did remind me of why I don't want a beard!
Well that brings us to this year. Yes I have a costume, and yes I plan to show up at City Hall and a few other places, but you'll just have to wait and see....
Yes, Cathy was a Gypsy and I'm a Pirate!
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Tempos, one of life's greatest treasures!
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Can't ever have enough Tempos |
Mom always thought that if one item was a good bargain, than 10 was even a better deal. One such acquisition by her, was a tissue called Tempos. They came with these handy visor holders and to the naked eye, they were just another tissue. But Tempos, actually are a four ply tissue. Soft enough to use on your nose, but tough enough to wipe a spill in the car, or to wipe down something without falling apart like a normal tissue. We quickly fell in love with the things and in the nature of my brother Clayton's research about "A job to be done", the job here was not really as a tissue but wiping up life's challenges within your car. When Mom passed away in 2004, her assets were divided and disbursed by her Trust, it was the Tempos that were evenly divided amongst the kids. I will have to admit, in taking home a case of them, I didn't really ever anticipate running out.
Four or so years later, panic went through my own household with the realization that we were on our last package of Tempos. We went to the Internet, and found a supplier through Amazon when we couldn't find any in the stores, and purchased another case. As you can imagine, my other siblings were also running out, and in the spirit of generosity, we did share some of those Tempo Tissues with them. Fast forward to 2012. On the edge of running out again, I went back to the Internet to find out that Tempos were discontinued in their manufacturing. As I read customer reviews I quickly found out that others shared my panic and love for the things. I also found out a secondary market for the stuff had developed on eBay. However I came across a new options, albeit 3-ply product, called Halsa. Halsa, it just isn't the familiar tone of Tempo and it just wasn't quite the same. However I was grateful to not have to reform my life, and purchased a mere 40- three package replacements of the stuff. This time with the intent, to really stick it to family members who want them, and using them for bartering items for family activities. Like gold for some, I now have a nearly extinct product on my hand!
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Yes, I had to open the box and individually verify the inventory! |
Friday, September 28, 2012
Dorky but Safe!
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Carlton showing off his new (used) iPod and his head lamp |
I've come to a point in my life, where I've pretty much blown off dignity and most of my vanity for the sake of safety. Especially after crashing twice on my bike this month, the last while trying to start an app on my phone while riding with one hand. The pain that was inflicted, simply hasn't made whatever I had hoped to gain from using that app, worth it. It's with that spirit, that I wanted to show off my headlamp flashlight that I've started using while I walk in the early mornings. At first I contemplated the visual experience for others, but the lure of seeing where I was walking (the bumps in the sidewalks), having my hands free to adjust my iPod, or take an oximeter reading of my finger or just being seen by cars as I cross our neighborhood streets. This $4 headlight has been well worth it and I know that secretly, every neighbor out walking, wishes they had their own. Watch me trip next week and smash it on my forehead leaving me at a diminished state for the rest of my life, but in the interim, you know I'm safer!
I'm also demonstrating my "new" used iPod. Sarah helped me pick it out on Amazon and while I've had an iPad, it just didn't fit in my pocket very well when I exercised. I had an iTunes account, and Sarah, taking advantage of it, has added some to it. However I'm always open to some suggestions. I need good exercise songs, so if you want to share with me your playlist, publicly or privately, I'll see if I like your stuff and if I do, will probably buy the songs. If I don't, I'll probably write a blog about your playlist and why it isn't any good....
Next time you see that beacon of light coming down your street, know that it's either an alien, me, or both!
Postscript: I now add a second one on the back of my head, with a red light on, tail light! Now there is a sight!
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Odie and the Pig
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Odie, our new calf comes in the pen for dinner |
Those of you who are neighbors to us in Rose Park, may be wondering where these new additions are hiding in our backyard, but you're not going to be able to turn me in on this one! Thanks to Cathy's brother Bill and his wife Shari, our new additions are being raised at their place, west of Ogden in Taylor, UT. Bill and Shari, who have raised animals themselves for a number of years, took pity on us and agreed to help us acquire both a calf and a pig. The calf came named by the family who sold it to Bill, and we liked the name Odie. It seemed to fit and besides you don't want anything too sentimental, knowing that this year it's in the pasture and next year in your freezer!
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The Pig (one of the three) is male and enjoying some rotten tomatoes we brought with us to share with them. They love tomatoes! |
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Cathy's brother Bill, convinces Odie that it's time for dinner! |
Monday, September 17, 2012
George Tsalaky - A great teacher, a true gentleman
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Meeting George Tsalaky at Costco on Saturday, September 15, 2012 |
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Mr. Tsalaky started as a young teacher, early in Backman Elementary's history. |
In a time period where there were not a lot of male teachers, Mr. Tsalaky was a great role model in showing us how to be patient yet firm in treating each other with respect. I was not the first to have him as a teacher in our family, but I like to think I was his favorite student. However, I think he made us all feel like we were his favorite student.
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Picture of Backman Elementary faculty from 1966-67 |
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Mr. Tsalaky as a young teacher |
My heart gets light again, each time I run into Mr. Tsalaky. While I know that one day, he will return to God, I've asked him to put in a good word for me because his chances of getting there are probably much better than mine!
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Ben McAdams - Statesman and the best person to be Salt Lake County's next Mayor
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Cathy and I joined a press conference of Mayors from around Salt Lake County expressing our Support for Ben McAdams as the next Salt Lake County Mayor |
Both of us don't ever mark straight party ballots, even though we defer heavily to a Republican ticket. Neither of us believe poor candidates, on either side, deserve a pass based upon a party. We still laugh however about an experience that happened on the day when Carlton asked Cathy to marry her in March of 1990. We had only dated for a period of six weeks, and while we knew we were right for each other, we probably didn't know the details like we do 22 years later. Carlton had just proposed to Cathy on the top of Ensign Peak and went driving away in his 1966 Chevy Pickup (a real piece of work) to tell family and friends. In a panic, Carlton looked at Cathy and in a serious tone asked, "Are you Republican or Democrat?" In an astonished look, Cathy replied, "Republican, I guess." OK so maybe not the script Carlton should have used, but his political family has strong allegiance to the Republican Party. Mitt Romney is a good family friend and we believe he should be the next President of the United States. In that same breath Ben McAdams should be the next Mayor of Salt Lake County.
We've always told friends who didn't have the courage to publicly support Carlton in his failed 2008 State Senate Race, who were Democrats, that no one knows what you do in the voting booth. In the end, that is really where it matters. Obviously we hope you'll be more public about your support for Ben and join us in saying it is good government that really matters, not the party. That goes for both sides. This will be a great year of change for many elected offices and we think it will be so for Salt Lake County and would ask you to vote for Ben McAdams for Salt Lake County Mayor!
Carlton & Cathy Christensen
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Midway, UT - halfway between here and Heaven
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Sarah Cathy and Jessica after our bike ride in Midway to and from Swiss Days |
There are a lot of beautiful communities in the "Wasatch Back" but I really love Midway. Their Main Street is a welcome home to all walks of life and you don't need a Hummer to feel at home. In addition there are many place to bike, and some great places to eat. I just love "The Store" which gives you access to the essentials and reminds you of what makes small towns fun places to live. We enjoyed the many vendors, food and interactions with people. On the bike ride over to Swiss Days, Sarah said, "Hello" to everyone we passed and in addition to quickly riding past them them and not having to do the park and shuttle stuff, felt pretty liberated to come and go as we chose. They do need a bike corral and there is room for a few bike lanes, but I can see it coming and with lot of potential.
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Cathy and I have really enjoyed our bike riding in Midway! |
I did have my first bike accident in a long time, pretty stupid one at that. I missed a turn on a bike path, went off the path to find a steep incline and slid about four feet barely missing some cow dung! Sprained my thumb, scraped my knee and have a few bruises but my bike is usable and I lived to ride another day.
Of course, I'm hoping no one reads this blog, because I don't want the rest of you finding how nice Midway is so it doesn't become like some of the other places that have lost their small town feel. I love my city, but Midway is a great place to visit!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Hanging out at Harvard
Not your usual view of the Student Union, I'm hanging out this morning at the Harvard Business School. An amazing decor and beautiful surroundings, a rare moment for the History grad at the U.
Today, I'm participating in a roundtable discussion on Innovation in Government hosted by the famous and yet humble Professor Clayton M. Christensen, aka my older brother. The discussion of innovation in government has too often centered on Private vs Public delivery of service, yet one or the other, really doesn't provide a compelling solution to costs. In fact, if you look at a lot of the Federal Contracts for providing services once provided by the public sector, I would venture to guess, it costs us more except when you decide to cut its funding, it's much simpler to send contract employees off packing, than Federal employees. Even my own city, Salt Lake City, recently went out to bid it's garbage and reclycle service and it was less expensive for us to provide it ourselves. We obviously don't have the corporate overhead and we've been doing it a while, so much of our support infrastructure is in place. The real question at hand is whether or not either side is truly motivated to find a simpler or cheaper model, which we sometimes call affectionately in our family, disruptive innovation (thanks to my older brother Clayton).
As I look through the attendee list, it is a little daunting to wonder my own contribution, but I also know that I bring 15 years of public service and a variety of experiences that I believe can contribute to the important dialogue. Last evening as we discussed my brother's model on why our economy hasn't rebounded as it has in the past, it really became clear why government hasn't moved forward, yet are faced with some of the most daunting challenges in the last 50 years in terms of cost, demand and ability to provide the historic services we have come to expect.
I expect to learn much today, but the thing I've learned perhaps most importantly of all, here at the Harvard Business School is that recycle base napkins are not as absorbant or have the same capacity of normal napkins. Yes, I spilled my orange juice in the student eating area and had to make at least two trips back to the napkin dispenser.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Sending your child off to college isn't much fun...
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Jessica at age six |
Having earned her associates degree last April, Jessica obviously started thinking about alternatives to baking me cookies each Sunday evening. She even had the audacity to think she wants to educate little kids and increase their learning and growth. And for some reason, she thinks that the good reputation of Utah State and idea of moving away from home would be a good direction to head in her life. What is she thinking? The difficult part of this all, is she may be right. So today, we loaded up her stuff, and between her 2002 SAAB and our suburban, headed off to Logan to get her settled. I had Cathy ride with her on the way there and I followed up the rear. I of course called them no less than three times to suggest better driving techniques or habits (which of course don't reflect in my driving) and I was sure every movement around a big truck was going to be the end. However we made it and got her checked in with the manager of her apartment.
I was then sure her roommates would be unfriendly or the room lousy, but they had to welcome her and tell her how excited they were to see her. And the room, all five have their own bedroom and bathroom units within apartment, were clean and her roommate across the hall had a sign that said "Smile" on the door with a doormat that said "HI" on it. They even cleaned the kitchen while we were there, eliminating a sub-plot that Cathy and I were working on. There was a shed in which she could lock up her bike, and a parking spot for her car. They even had free Internet for her to use.
While thinking up other conspiracy theories, I noticed she had a low tire, so we took it into a repair shop to have the flat fixed, have lunch and pick up some items at Walmart. Of course we packed a whole slew of large quantity items from Costco purchased in Salt Lake, but there were other things to purchase there, a new printer, ink, paper, food, We thought it time to replace her bike helmet from Jr. High, I thought she needed a bike rack for her car to take her bike on it and of course a new lock for the bike. I then realized she needed a pump for her bike that I had her bring (and when did they change the direction of the little lever on bike pumps from pressing down to lock to sticking up straight to lock it - I spent 20 minutes trying to get it to work until Cathy and Jess read the instructions). I of course made her pull over to a gas station, even though she had 2/3 of a tank of gas to fill it up for her to make sure she had enough. I later set up her printer which is wireless and test printed a note, telling her to write and call frequently...
We made her practice putting on her new bike rack and her bike. Then made her practice taking it off. And then it came time to go. Yea go ahead, take the knife, rip my heart out and tell me not to cry. It just isn't going to work. I'm still crying. For the record, I like Hangout in Google and free texting and the data package I have on her phone with T-Mobile. I know I will see her again and it's going to be a great opportunity for her. I think your concern should be for Sarah. We're going to have to have someone to parent....
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Doing the unthinkable - Aggie A on the car |
Friday, August 17, 2012
Theater Fever
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Joining Mayor Becker announcing both Architects and Contractor for the new Utah Performing Arts Center |
This week we also named the architects chosen to help design it, HKS and Pelli Clarke Pelli and the contractor, Layton Construction. Local talent with some national expertise will assure a great finished product for our community. I also anticipate some good community outreach as designs come together and we truly make this a great project for downtown, the region and the State of Utah.
Yesterday, I also had a fun opportunity. "Wicked" is the current Broadway Play being shown at Capitol Theater. Tickets sold out early, but every evening, people have the chance to put their name in a drawing and 10 lucky people are chosen who can purchase 2 tickets for $25, which would otherwise cost them $135 a piece. On Thursday, I got to announce the names of the winners and it was fun to see their reaction. Below is a video of one of the 10 experiences.
Cathy and I also had the great fortune of attending Wicked ourselves (we also got to pay for the tickets!) We had an absolute fabulous time. Done a lot of reflection on the "Wicked Witch" who clearly is reflected with a different light in the play, and a reminder that we too often want to categorize others and label them for who they aren't. The crowd was clearly a crowd we don't see in Salt Lake City on a regular basis and they were just thrilled with the experience and contribute much to our local economy. As did we with dinner before and a CD purchased in the lobby!
I do have one mission as we build the new facility and that is LEG ROOM! I don't try to abuse my political power too much, but if I have any say over it, those of us who can't sit in Capitol look forward to liberation! Theater Fever is on its way!
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Hook & Ladder Serving the West Side for 40 Years - Congratulations Van Turner!
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Van Turner with his son Devin. Two Generations keeping this great Gem alive on the West Side of Salt Lake City |
The Hook & Ladder was rated in the top 10 burger places for Utah by the Salt Lake Tribune and you can pick up one of the yummiest combo meals at a very reasonable price. My favorite was always the double bacon cheese burger, but with my recent weight loss efforts, I've had to choose other options! Having said that, I still indulge on occasion. As it transitions to a second generation, Van has involved his sons and you can frequently see them working side by side.
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You can't beat the Hook's specials! |
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Firehouse Floral is a also one of Van's investments in the community and a great service to many. |
I've never seen Van hold a grudge and he turns the other cheek much easier than I could ever do. A political opponent one day to him, is a friend the next day after the election. I was always frustrated that the Salt Lake Tribune would frequently not endorse him, yet he still won, without spending the money that many of us have spent, proving them and us wrong. I often smile when I'm browsing the Tribune on my iPad and it sends a message asking us to use their app. On that advertisement is a picture of Van next to his business, one of the few times I felt they gave him the respect he deserved. While probably not following you on Facebook or Twitter, Van with his wife, Wendy is busy being a true friend to all. You just have to attend one of their children's wedding receptions to know of the diversity and commitment of their friends are as far as you can see. And in a way that only Van could do, he serves his church helping those who are spending time in a halfway house, encouraging them in their desire to change their life.
I'll never match the qualities of Van Turner, but it's a huge honor to call him friend!
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Closing a chapter in life can be tough...
We all have from time to time those events that while not physically difficult, are mentally tough and take some getting use to it. Yesterday was one of those times as I dismantled the kennel for our dog Daisy, who passed away about three weeks ago. The kennel has just sat empty during that time, and with high likelihood of not getting another dog, it was time to take it down. There were lots of memories with each part and a side story to boot. We had grown very accustomed as a family of driving into our back driveway and having Daisy there to greet us and welcome us home. It has been pretty quiet there the last few weeks and pretty clear that while relieved from this earthly pain, she was not coming back. Thus the need to close that chapter.
We had purchased her kennel from Lowe's and while we had looked at more expensive versions, this was something we could afford. We purchased the roof package, which worked well until the first heavy snow storm and one morning came out to find it had collapsed. In an effort to re-establish it, I grabbed some old boards, nailed them together with my pneumatic nail gun and planned on building something better, with the idea that this would be temporary. It only stayed the same for another eight years! In hindsight, I would have never purchased their roof version but built something out of wood at a fraction of the cost and frankly is a much stronger alternative.
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Daisy's kennel had a tarp roof (along with a "night light" which I had already removed) |
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Daisy had this thing for chewing! |
Daisy had this thing for chewing, on nearly everything! We once bought her this really nice comfy padded bed only to come out and find an hour later, she had chewed the thing apart. She was not discriminating and chewed nearly everything, including the "temporary support" of her roof! The amazing part, is the board was on the outside of her kennel wall and somehow she chewed on it through the fence!
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Daisy's dog house that we found on sale and was her home the entire time |
I had numerous conversations with Daisy that eating her own home, was really not in her best interest and she should be much more selective.
When we moved to our current home, I secured the services of a friend in the construction business, DeLynn Kirkham. Their business did a lot of concrete restoration and re-profiling decks in parking structures. It was their business to not have water sitting in one place for a long period of time and it proved to be the case with Daisy's kennel. Whenever we washed it, or the weather left water on the floor, it would drain off quickly and slopped outward in all directions. One of the best investments we could have made.
As I dismantled the wall sections and placed them in a place in our yard for storage, I ran into lots of little things that reminded me of our time with Daisy. I was very grateful for the experience our family shared and without an exception, everyone of us, as we passed the newly cleaned up area, remarked of how different it felt to not have her there.
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Empty concrete pad, awaiting a new use... |
We've had a few discussions of what to do with the site, but we'll have to wait for the right time financially. In the mean time, it just will not be the same. While not in pristine condition, we still do have a usable kennel that I've decided to not sell, just yet. However if there is a family, who are just starting out with a dog, and just happened to need a kennel that could provide a good home, I think we would like that and would make you a great deal. It would even be OK, if it were just temporary. After all, our temporary stuff lasted eight years....
Friday, July 13, 2012
My Heart Challenge Results Announced - I Win Most Improved!
Adding Sugar equivalent to over-all weight loss, I contributed 43 lbs to it! |
The task is obviously not really over, in fact maybe even more difficult in the weeks and months ahead, but I don't want to go back. Gaining my physical freedom and finding satisfaction in exercising and strengthening my body has had many benefits, I didn't ever imagine. While I use to work out as part of conditioning during my basketball days, it was more like sentenced torture! Doing it for myself and improving my condition has been one of the most rewarding things I've done. My family, and particular Cathy, have been incredible in this effort and I have no idea how I would have accomplished it without them.
Other elected officials from Salt Lake County who participated - Each were so genuine in their efforts and frankly their support of me |
Meagan Kine, Michelle Barker and Kary Woodruff were great to work with me |
Deseret News Article
Monday, July 2, 2012
Farewell Daisy, We will miss you!
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Daisy as a new puppy, before coming home to us! |
Earlier last week, we were concerned about the increasing weight loss by our dog, Daisy (see prior blog). Daisy had been on a Veterinarian supervised diet, but was losing more weight than we thought she should. Daisy also started having a difficult time keeping her food down, and so we took her into the Vet, when alternative food didn't appear to be working. We were shocked and saddened to find out that Daisy had some kind of cancer, probably liver, and her prognosis would not be good. The Vet gave us some medicines to help her to be able to eat. We quickly realized that she not only would not get better, but she would not stay in this interim stage very long. We would need to make some decisions earlier than later. Not wanting Daisy to suffer any more than she needed to suffer, we made an appointment with the Vet to have her put to rest today. However Sunday morning, she was considerably worse and finally last night, she passed away.
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Jessica and Sarah play with Daisy, just prior to bringing her home |
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Jessica on "Obedience Graduation Day" at Petsmart |
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Grandma Nielsen says hi to Daisy on a visit |
Daisy was also our motivation for walking many a days. She was a big dog who needed regular exercise, and while the girls had their regular assignments to walk her, I often found a lot of peace in taking her myself.
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Family Christmas Photo with Santa & Daisy |
Our neighbors have always been kind to Daisy and patient with us. Their complaints during some barking spells were almost never made and their children often appeared over the fence to say hello to Daisy. Our thanks to the Orme Family, who recently moved but lived next to us for many years and to Denny & Linda McKone who live across the street. It was not uncommon when the McKones brought their neighbor Christmas gift to us, to also find something in it for Daisy. I always knew that when the girls were out walking her, that Denny had his eye on them as they went past his home.
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Sarah & Daisy at Parley's Historic Nature Park on a City Council visit |
While Daisy's final days have been tough emotionally, we also have had some sweet moments. As Jessica's work and schooling have become full time, her care has transitioned to Sarah. These two have built a wonderful bond together and it was Sarah who could get Daisy to eat and it was Sarah who sat with Daisy for hours on the grass in her final moments to comfort Daisy, and make sure Daisy knew we loved her. Yesterday we just let Daisy lie out on the lawn and rest in the shade. It offered us some sweet and tender moments with Daisy.
Sarah playing with Daisy, one last time |
Our thanks to Paul and Heidi Fullmer, our neighbors and friends, who came over and helped us take care of Daisy. We placed her ball (seen in the adjoining picture) with her and I put one of my old gloves in her grave. Daisy had this interesting habit of stealing my work gloves off the back porch and burying them in the yard. I went through a lot of pairs of gloves and Cathy still finds them when she works in the flowers. It's only fitting that her final resting place is a patch of daisies.
We love you Daisy and want you to know how grateful we are that you were part of our family.
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