Sunday, December 7, 2014
He is the Gift - Greatest blessing in my life and a good reminder this time of the year
Saturday, October 18, 2014
My Mom helped me fix the vacuum cleaner
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A walk along the Jordan River Parkway in the last year of my mom's life with Jessica & Sarah my daughters and our dog Daisy |
Growing up in home where my father had died when I was 10, I was faced numerous times with things that were broken in the house or projects that either my mom wanted done or something I wanted to tackle. It was not uncommon when I needed something, for my mom to put me in the car, take me either to Samons Plumbing Supply located on 900 W where a grocery store now exists, or Sutherland Lumber over on Redwood Road. She wouldn't have any idea generally what I was buying, but would let me try and figure it out and then pay for it at the cash register. I sometimes would end back there two or three times during a project. Mom was always willing to let us try and fix it and try more than common sense would suggest.
In the years that followed my father's death, Mom had three rental homes and a basement apartment. I ended up fixing a lot of things over the years, and later would help wire a garage, greenhouse, or assist siblings, family or friends with their remodel projects. I will on occasion see a need with some of the single women I home teach in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and really it's my mom helping to do the work.
For the record, the vacuum is running well and lives to see another day. While Mom never was that mechanically inclined, she knew how to raise children to think for themselves. I just wanted to tell Mom thanks for helping me to fix the vacuum.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Meet the Mormons - A movie you should watch!
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Attending the premier of Meet the Mormons, with Cathy and having our picture with Jermaine Sullivan, Bishop of the Atlanta Ward and one of the members of the LDS Church profiled in the movie. |
This movie, while originally created to be shown in the Legacy Theater of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building and other visitor centers throughout the world, was found to be effective in helping others understand us for who we are or in other ways, who we want to become. We are not a perfect people, but we aren't villains either. Meeting tonight my friend Mitt Romney, reminded me that during the 2012 Presidential Election, how much people misunderstood our faith. While this movie will not resolve all questions, it gives a wonderful overview of the personal challenges and lives of six wonderful members from different areas of life, who share a hope of being good people and love and respect their families.
Take a minute out of your schedule this weekend and go to the movies. Any net proceeds from this effort go to the American Red Cross, no profits will come from the effort. If this movie was originally created for a visitor center why show it in a theater? Why not. We watch a number of other movies about different aspects of life, should this be any less? In fact, what better and more neutral venue to watch it for anyone than a move theater. You get to choose, you can even walk out if you want, or take a friend back to watch it again. This is a ticket work every dollar you'll spend.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Ogden Temple Dedication - Preparing the Rose Park Stake
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On Saturday September 20th, members of the Rose Park Stake prepare our chapel for the dedication of the Ogden Temple |
A few weeks ago, after some leadership training for Stake Presidents in the area, and discussing Section 110 of the Doctrine & Covenants and the keys that were restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith, I was thinking about the dedication of the Kirtland Temple and why so many of the members had such powerful spiritual experiences associated with that dedication. One direction that is clear, came from their individual consecration in building that Temple and their personal sacrifice associated with it. Joseph Smith also gave them instruction on how to come prepared both physically and spiritually including preparation of the building itself. I felt impressed that not only should members come worthily (there is a worthiness recommend required for all in attendance) but the building as an extension of the Ogden Temple should also be prepared. While the Lord might not walk within its walls I did hope that to the extent possible, it might be worthy of it. On a Saturday evening session of our Regional Conference, I invited every member in the Stake to join us on Saturday afternoon prior to the dedication to help us prepare the building and grounds so that we might be ready for the Temple Dedication. I understood that there might be conflicts and it wasn't necessarily a sign of individual commitment, but where possible, old and young alike were invited to help us prepare our building.
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Chairs that had years of use were cleaned and polished |
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While many rooms were not used in the dedication, they were still cleaned so that the whole building would reflect the sacredness of the event |
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Seeing things with a great clarity is a great blessing in my life
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Riding my bike without the need of glasses is a wonderful reawakening |
About four years ago, my eye doctor indicated that my cataract problem in my eyes would progressively getting worse and would require surgery. In 2012, he indicated, he could no longer correct through glasses and my vision and that within a year I would need surgery in both eyes. Two of my brothers had surgery, that while successful, were followed with some other complications. They in theory were not tied together, but it made me nervous. In cataract surgery, they physically remove your lenses and place new ones in their place, so blindness, while minimal, is a risk of the surgery. It's one reason they do both eyes at least two weeks apart, to assure you some continuance of vision. The doctor warned me that my vision would get progressively worse and cloudy. By the end of 2012, it was clear I would need to do something, but I waited until June of 2013 to maximize my insurance benefit and the city council would be done with most of their meetings. The doctor gave me the option to replace my lenses with a toric lens, which had the potential of correcting my vision. While I had options of how to correct my vision, I opted to become far sighted, thus requiring reading glasses. Both surgeries were successful, and for the first time in nearly two decades, I had 20/20 vision. Unfortunately my astigmatism remained. However Dr. Miller indicated that since both eyes had done so well that I should consider an additional surgery to correct my eye muscle.
I visited Dr. Peterson at Rocky Mountain Eye Center, who felt comfortable that with surgery, I might be able to go without glasses. That surgery, while less risky than cataract surgery, would require them to sever the eye muscle, realign the eye to match the other one and then tie it up again. My counselors in the Stake Presidency gave me a blessing and I felt at peace that things would be well. Even when Dr. Peterson did a post surgery adjustment to my eye while out of anesthesia to get a better alignment, I was able to hold still and feel a peace that I didn't think I had in me. My vision has corrected so well, that I seldom use reading glasses and if its about 30 inches away, I can see it clearer than when I had bifocal classes. In a very literal way, my world has opened up to me in way, I never imagined.
In a similar way, since being called as President of the Rose Park Stake last November, I have been humbly grateful at the spiritual clarity that I feel and experience on a regular basis. While my sixteen years of public service and even my current public service as an appointed official for Salt Lake County have been an incredible a rewarding experience, working with individuals and seeing the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ in their life is more rewarding. It has hard moments, some of which I think about constantly because they are heartbreaking but God has not left me alone. I find the sweet and overwhelming influence of the Holy Ghost in my life to be such a humbling experience that I frequently ask myself why God would choose me to have this experience. I am grateful however and the clarity of the gospel and its truthfulness in how it changes people lives if they're willing to live it. It's even more clear than anything I physically see. While this world has many challenges, it has wonderful opportunities as well. It's wonderful to see it with such great clarity!
Friday, July 4, 2014
Rose Park Stake has a flag flying again!
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Flag pole at the Stake Center of the Rose Park Stake 760 N 1200 W |
When I was a young boy, 10 to be exact, our Stake (a body of 7 wards or congregations - we now have eight) raised money to build a flag pole. It was 1976, the 200th birthday of our nation and our building lacked a flag pole. Many who helped raised money and helped build the building originally, were veterans of World War II who chose to call Rose Park home when they returned to start their families. We have had many serve since in other ways, and frankly, Rose Park is a patriotic place. Also that year, my father passed away in January of 1976 and had also served like me, as the Stake President of the Rose Park Stake. The flag pole, which is tall like my dad, was to honor him as well. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints had rightfully quit putting plaques on things to honor people but as they raised money, this was also indicated as a purpose. Each week, as I attended Primary, then held on Tuesday afternoon, I took my money to put in the jar. Many of the kids brought quarters but I always brought a dollar. This was after all, something to recognize my father, who I just had lost as a young boy. It rightfully has roses planted around it, the symbol of our community.
A few years later, lighting was added, but it fell into disrepair. Out of respect for the flag, it was not flown 24 hours a day and gradually, it was seldom put up. When I was Bishop of the Rose Park 9th Ward from 1993 to 1998 I would try to have a flag flown on Sundays but even that was difficult to have someone to remember to do it regularly. With time, it almost never had a flag on it. It always bothered me, and I knew it didn't reflect the feelings of our members but I didn't think we had an option. I would often volunteer my family to maintain the bed that surrounded it, since it was included in our Ward's cleaning assignment. I felt it was the least I could do.
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Photo prior to my wedding reception with the lovely Cathleen Nielsen Christensen by the flag pole |
As I was called as Stake President of the Rose Park Stake in November of 2013, 38 years after my father was released due to his cancer, I inquired about the flag pole as we reviewed maintenance needs of the buildings with the maintenance group that does such a good job keeping our buildings in repair. I wanted to be fair in my asking of things to be repaired, since it is the Lord's money but was excited to understand that flag poles were a standard part of the package. I inquired of ours, mentioned the challenges we had faced over the years, and the manager in charge, committed to trying to have it ready for the 4th of July. True to his word, the lighting was fixed, a new flag placed, and a maintenance agreement in place that will keep it in good repair going forward.
I hope you'll drive by, especially at night. It's beautiful to me. I know I'm biased here, but I hope you'll accept it as a gift to our community as well as the members of our Stake. I will have a few memories on top of it as well. On this 4th of July, let me just express my gratitude to those who have worked so hard to give us the freedom we enjoy, including the freedom of religion that allows us to worship respectfully in our own way. Thanks as well to the good people of Rose Park who have worked and sacrificed much to make this such a wonderful place to live. Happy Birthday to the United States of America!
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Father's Tribute to his son - Milton Chester Christensen
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Milton, 1965, just before he passed away |
That last night when he and I were alone, he wrote me another very special note:
"Is there someone else in this room?" it said.
And I responded, "Do you see someone?"
He nodded yes.
"Sometimes, when you're very sick," I said, "Heavenly Father sends special
messengers to comfort you, and this is probably whom you see."
I made out his next words. "Clayton's here, isn't he?" I had thought he might be seeing the spirit person so many people said came at the time of death. But Clayton was his next elder brother who was very much alive. So I dismissed the idea that he was seeing a spirit person at all. He was just delirious.
I had no sooner thought that than his next word came:
"You don't believe me."
I hurried to reassure him. "Oh yes, I do." Then it occurred to me that the person he was seeing might well be another family member from generations past, even my own father who had died when I was six and who looked a great deal like his grandson, Clayton.
Then Milton wrote another note. "Who is that in your lap?" it read.
"It's just a pillow," I said. And he said, "Oh."
But later on, I wondered. I was four months pregnant with our youngest child.
Who was it he saw in my lap?
I don't know if it was me, but I've always wondered. Either way, I look forward to meeting him and was touched at the heart felt tribute that my father wrote, shortly after his death. Fitting on this Father's day when we celebrate many happy moments and honors of being a father, but there are some heartbreaking moments as well and sometimes very difficult to pen. I think like most parents, we don't entirely get over these kind of losses and while we do move on, they are tender moments with us forever. I thought it appropriate to share my father's tribute to my brother Milton:
greater honor could be paid me at any time during my life, than to say I am
Milton's father. For eleven wonderful years we played, worked, and worshipped
together. With Milton there were so many
things in his life that did not fall into the usual pattern of a child's
growing up. Many things children
normally do, Milton seemed less interested in. In other matters his interest
was greater. He was so interested in some spiritual aspects of the Gospel: The
visions of the prophets, death, the resurrection, the spirit world, and the
three degrees of glory.
After an illness some years ago, on
the way home from the hospital, Verda Mae remarked, "I wonder if we will
be able to raise Milton to manhood?"
Milton delighted in the things of
the Lord. Every night he would ask me,
"Daddy, tell me a story." And
in the hospital during those long weeks I told him ten times over the Church
History and Missionary stories that he loved so well. Through his bloody, swollen mouth, until the
last day, he could still say, "Daddy, tell me a story."
His great love of going to work
with me was a great source of happiness to him and me. In the hospital he would
say to me, "Daddy, you had better get to work." Or, "Daddy, you can go home now." He always had a great concern for me. He made simple cherished gifts for
Father's Day, Birthdays, and Christmas.
This Father's Day on his hospital bed he wrote me his last love letter.
He was always delighted with a
chance to serve someone in his own way.
He didn't want to be forced into doing things. He didn't like the regimentation of a ball
team, while a carefree ride on his bicycle filled his heart with gladness.
Milton was a beautiful child. He
was always my Milty Boy. Many many times as I looked upon his sweet face as he
played and worked and lay asleep, I wondered if , as he grew older, some
evil minded person could lead him astray
into an unrighteous life, or some unholy
teacher weaken or destroy his testimony
of the restored Gospel. As I had these thoughts I prayed diligently that
this would never happen to him and that no person could have an evil influence
upon him.
I have always so firmly believed
the doctrine that children are heirs to the Celestial Kingdom. For this Milton was fully prepared. He had a beautiful body, a saving knowledge and testimony of the
gospel, and in a few weeks he
experienced more darkness, sickness, and pain than most men do in a lifetime.
During his illness the scriptures
dealing with "Another Father's Son" kept going through my mind and
took on great new meaning to me.
As I sat hour after hour, day
after day, wiping away his blood as it
dripped from the pores of his body, I
knew what the Lord meant when he dripped "As it were great drops of blood
falling down to the ground. "
As I sat by his bed and watched him
die, I was grateful for the privilege of watching and praying with him. Many hours we prayed together as one before
us, "O my Father, if this cup may not pass away from me except I drink it,
Thy will be done."
The will of the father was to take
him home. After so many days of awful
suffering increasing in intensity hour by hour,
bleeding and infection spreading black throughout his body, he finally laid his head on his pillow and in
two or three heavy breaths, as though to
say, "It is finished," he instantly departed from mortal life.
When Verda Mae reached the hospital
and we viewed his lifeless body, all I could say was "Behold thy
Milton bore this illness like a
man. On his last day after the needle
used in giving him the transfusions had been removed from his foot, he motioned
to me to lift him up on the side of the bed so his feet could hang down. He put his arms around my neck and cried as
if to say, "Father, why has thou forsaken me?" Through his pitiful mouth he made out the
words, "Daddy, take me home!"
Now after Milton's great
advancement from mortality into the kingdom of the righteous spirits, I plainly
see him in the full stature of his magnificent spirit, gloriously endowed with
the great knowledge he had in the pre-existent world, living and laboring with
our great family who now lives there, sealed up to enter the Celestial kingdom
when the Lord calls him.
For Mother, Elliott, Clayton,
Maribeth, Spencer, Bradley, Nancy Ruth and me, his greatly blessed father,
there remains the living of our lives in the way the Lord has directed us. We
must not fail Milton's expectations of our being able to join him as we have
-Robert: M. Christensen
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Verda Mae Christensen - My mother and a treasure in my life
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My mother Verda Mae Christensen was always a Queen of drama (photo courtesy of Ken Miles) |
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Mom with four of her five sisters on the family farm in Canada. Her father passed away when she was six. |
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My mother thought we needed a Maypole and probably would not be the subject of good safety procedures! |
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Robert & Verda Mae Christensen, married just over 26 years, when my Dad died in 1976 |
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January 13, 1976 Mom said good bye to her husband and best friend, Robert Magleby Christensen |
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Rose Park Wedding Reception with my mom, July 1990 |
Monday, April 28, 2014
Jessica receives her diploma from LDS Institute - the most valuable part of her education experience
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Jessica has always been a great example to her younger sister Sarah |
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Cathy was looking for new wall paper for her phone and rightfully has great pride in both her daughters |
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Jessica with members of her Ward who completed a portion or all of the requirements outlined by the Church Board of Education |
Friday, April 25, 2014
Neil's Pro - a neighborhood gem with reliable service
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Neil's Pro on the corner of 600 N and 1200 W - serving the community for over 55 years |
In addition to my '96 Suburban and my '08 Tribeca, I have a '77 Ford Pickup. They never wince when I bring them in (at least not to my face) and have always found practical solutions. If they have safety issues, like my recent inspection of the Suburban, they told me. On the other hand, they replaced my headlight on my Tribeca for half the cost of the dealership. When my mother-in-law was told she needed a $350 car repair, I had her bring it down from Layton and Chris took a look at it. He acknowledge the repair, but told her if she just checked her fluids on the car regularly and with the limited mileage she put on it, would be fine. Four years later, it's still running and for a widowed mother on limited income, it was a real blessing. Likewise, my sister-in-law had a similar experience and she lives in Murray. We invited her to bring it down and today, she always gets her car repaired there and we take her to work. A few months ago, we needed new tires for my daughter's SAAB before she went back to Utah State. We checked a local discount warehouse and they couldn't get the tires in for a couple of days. I went back to Chris at Neil's and learned my lesson. He had them on later that day and for about $20 less a tire. Never going anywhere else.
To the Draper Family's credit, they've made it through some tough and difficult times and weathered the ups and downs like most businesses. However they've never cut corners, always been fair and honest. If it's going to cost you, they give you the bad news. If there is a practical solution that gets the job done, they give you that as an option. I want to be fair with them, and they have been fair with me. If you haven't been to Neil's you should give them a try. If you don't live in Rose Park, even better. Come see what a beautiful community that has been home to a great business for over half a century. Located at 1204 W 600 N, Salt Lake City, UT 84116 or you can call them at (801) 521-0604. Tell them Carlton sent you.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Fixing a toilet is a privilege!
The other day, I was visiting my mother-in-law Lois Nielsen and noticed her toilet didn't stop running after I flushed it. After a little investigative work, I realized she just needed a new handle. Fixing anything for her is never a burden, she is one of the kindest, most deserving people I've ever met. She loves my kids for who they are, makes them feel valued and makes us quilts that keep us warm and remind us how important we are to her. Mom as I call her, always feels like she is troubling me when I fix something, but the reality is, I need the feeling of service in order to feel better about myself. In fact, whenever I serve someone else, I almost always feel better about myself and to do it for someone I love and care about, makes it even better.
When the savior admonished his disciple in John 19: 26-27 as he worried about his mother and wanting to assure she was in good care, really set the example. I think about that often, when you think of the widows and others who would fall in the same category, not the least of which is our own parents, particularly our mothers. I have a pretty good feeling that the Lord will hold us accountable on how we care for those special women in our lives.
It was my own mother, who helped me develop the skill sets to learn how to do repairs. It wasn't that my mother knew how to do it, but she was willing to invest resources in me learning. Frequently growing up, she would take me to the hardware store to get the necessary tools. She was always having Frank Dahn, the plumber show me how to do things and my step-uncle, MC Laird, frequently would take me and show me how things were fixed. As a fatherless boy growing up, my mother made sure I received the necessary training. She was intent on my home not being subject to a home with a skill-less father or husband. I've used those talents hundreds of times in the service of others, and each time, I do, I think of my mom and thank my Heavenly Father that she cared enough to have me care.
We have a fundamental need to serve. I do much on my own and in the community, but I also get the opportunity in my Church. As a Ministering Brother in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I get called on frequently to help in service of others. It's not a huge burden, but I know it's helpful when I'm asked. On occasion, I also require help and am grateful the Church gives us both the opportunity to serve. After all, it's a core element of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In the end, we all have that desire to be needed. Thanks to both my Moms for giving me the chance to serve!
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
My White Shirt Inventory is Growing!
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Just in case you wondered what my shirt size would be! |
I've always had a supply of white shirts, but over my years in the city council service, I mixed them up with a variety of colored shirts. However in my four months of service as Stake President of the Rose Park Stake in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, my need to wear white shirts has increased! If you take the ones that head to the dry cleaners, and have some to wear during that week, I've had to add about eight shirts to my wardrobe. It's not that one is required to wear a white shirt, but it looks better and more neutral in its appearance. It also makes matching ties a little easier! The last four months have been challenging to say the least, but I have been blessed with two great counselors in Paul Fullmer and Brent Hyde. Paul is an insurance adjuster for Met Life and Brent is a manger for Church Security. Both are two individuals who love the Lord, and serve faithfully. None of us are paid, and when you look at a schedule that includes most of the day Sunday, a couple nights a week and frequent correspondence through most days, this is not a passive assignment. However I've never felt the spirit more, have a greater insight of what Heavenly Father wants for the members of Rose Park Stake and amazed at the genuine goodness of so many people. If this were just me, I would have been done in month two, but one doesn't do it alone and I can testify God's hand in the work that is done.
Not every moment is simple or without some heartbreak. However when you watch someone decide to make a change in their life, see it begin to improve and feel of their desire to be a better person, there is no better experience in my life. I've been blessed over the years to have some great experiences. In fact, from my public service alone, I have five volumes of large scrapbooks outlining that service. It will forever be a significant part of my life. However it is pale in comparison to the work I now experience. To stand in a congregation of a couple hundred people and feel a peaceful impression on the message I'm suppose to share with them, is such a humbling and touching experience that it has brought frequent tears to my eyes.
I enjoy my work at Salt Lake County and it is very challenging and demanding. It's a great balance from my life coming from elected office to continue in some realm of public service. However I truly enjoy serving in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ to whomever I can associate with, either in words or example. I'm far from perfect. In fact, the list of needed improvement with me seems to grow each day. I need to get in better shape, write more often in a journal, pray more each day, but nevertheless the Lord doesn't expect us to be perfect, just a broken heart that strives to be better.
I would be remiss to not mention how grateful I've been for my family. Cathy and the girls have been there for me so often, and I cherish them. At the end of the day, they are all that matters. So, if you see me wearing a few more white shirts, just know that I'm keeping busy, hopefully doing some good.
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Salt Lake City has a new Fabric Store - and it's on the West side of town!
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I've always wanted an apron, and Sarah made this one for me for Christmas! |
It was to my pleasant surprise, that we came across ...and sew on (yes that's the name of the store) and even more to find out Carolyn gives sewing lessons. At a very reasonable price, which includes the materials for projects, our Sarah has taken a number of classes and really has developed skills that would have taken a whole year of school to obtain, and that's if she had that option. Among Sarah's many projects were making aprons, and I'm wearing mine, which for the first time in years, protects my pants from any cooking projects!
I hope you'll take the time to stop by and see what Carolyn's new store has to offer. Trying to start a small business always has its challenge, but having the opportunity to develops skills, particularly for our kids, is priceless. Carolyn is located next door to Little Cesar's Pizza. Who knows you might even develop skills, you didn't know you have!
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
The Oxford Shop - Still a gem for SLC (and for those with big feet!)
In my many years of service on the Salt Lake City Council, I interacted a great deal with Richard "Dick" Wirick or Mr. Downtown. His endless passion towards keeping downtown vibrant and his persistence in keeping his small shoe store open was unmatched. That was the irony when he was tragically killed in an accident involving a UTA Buss before he ever got to see the opening of City Creek, across from his store on 100 S, just east of the Salt Palace. It looked like for a while, that his store might not reopen, when his children didn't have an interest in continuing it. In stepped in the brother and sister-in-law of Dick's wife, Gunter and Carol Radinger, who opened the business around the time City Creek opened.
I had purchased two pairs of Florsheim shoes, just before Dick was taken from this earth and in his usuall way, was ever so courteous with me, and I felt guilty when he gave me a discount. They both have lasted a long time, but the black pair (I also purchased a brown pair) were wearing out, so I decided to go back and see if by chance they could order me a new pair. That's when I met Gunter and Carol and realized what great shop owners they were in continuing the tradition of great service. I had with me at the time, my daughter Sarah, who also has large feet, (I have size 18!) and both of us had been looking for some shoes. I sometime have luck at the Nordstrom Rack, but it's very much hit and miss. Carol Radinger, not only looked at her typical sources, but spent some time looking at different options for me and my daughter. She called us back a few days later and we went in and for the first time, I not only had choices, but Sarah did as well! Large shoes are seldom inexpensive, but just having a choice is a big deal. The Radingers are very patient people, extremely courteous and helped us both get in shoes, where I think they only made a very modest profit for their troubles. I use to have shoe options in Salt Lake City, but frankly they all went away when local stores sold out, or quit carrying them. Even some online options have diminished, so what a welcome blessing the Oxford Shop is for Salt Lake City and especially those of us with hard to fit feet!
Whether you have a need for large shoes or not, give the Oxford Shop a try. There is a good parking on the street at 65 West 100 South or easy access to City Creek across the street, where it's free for the first hour, or $1 for the second hour. Be sure to tell Carol and Gunter thanks for staying in business!
I had purchased two pairs of Florsheim shoes, just before Dick was taken from this earth and in his usuall way, was ever so courteous with me, and I felt guilty when he gave me a discount. They both have lasted a long time, but the black pair (I also purchased a brown pair) were wearing out, so I decided to go back and see if by chance they could order me a new pair. That's when I met Gunter and Carol and realized what great shop owners they were in continuing the tradition of great service. I had with me at the time, my daughter Sarah, who also has large feet, (I have size 18!) and both of us had been looking for some shoes. I sometime have luck at the Nordstrom Rack, but it's very much hit and miss. Carol Radinger, not only looked at her typical sources, but spent some time looking at different options for me and my daughter. She called us back a few days later and we went in and for the first time, I not only had choices, but Sarah did as well! Large shoes are seldom inexpensive, but just having a choice is a big deal. The Radingers are very patient people, extremely courteous and helped us both get in shoes, where I think they only made a very modest profit for their troubles. I use to have shoe options in Salt Lake City, but frankly they all went away when local stores sold out, or quit carrying them. Even some online options have diminished, so what a welcome blessing the Oxford Shop is for Salt Lake City and especially those of us with hard to fit feet!
Whether you have a need for large shoes or not, give the Oxford Shop a try. There is a good parking on the street at 65 West 100 South or easy access to City Creek across the street, where it's free for the first hour, or $1 for the second hour. Be sure to tell Carol and Gunter thanks for staying in business!
Monday, January 13, 2014
My father passed away 38 years ago today
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My Father's Funeral - January 13, 1976 - Standing with my brother Spencer |
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My father in is father, Chester Christensen's military uniform from World War I |
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Dad on his LDS Mission to Denmark, standing next to Danish Family relatives |
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Robert & Verda Mae, Engagement photo from 1949 |
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Robert on his Graduation Day - standing in front of their first Rose Park Home on 900 N, just west of 900 W |
My Dad had left school with a few classes to go, intending to finish up by correspondence. Some poor health and other challenges kept him from completing things and it was a few years later before he returned to finish up his schooling. By then he had begun his career at ZCMI Department Store and soon started as the Division Buyer over Foods, including the snack bar, bakery, candy department and fine foods. We were always found helping him to stock shelves and even today in my own food storage, the older cans are brought forward and labels are turned to the front!
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For the wopping salary of a hot dog and chips, we frequently helped Dad stock the shelves |
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Dad doing one of his frequent activities with the kids, always looking for simple ways to have us entertain ourselves. |
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Family picture on the bank of the Susquehanna River |
Dad loved LDS Church History. Many of our family vacations were to Church History sites. In fact, it was his last trip in coming home and following the Mormon Pioneer Trail, that he started to show signs of being ill. By mid August, they diagnosed Hodgkin Disease, a cancer of the Lymph system. From August to January, he became increasingly ill and in November, he was released as Stake President of the Rose Park Stake where I now serve in the same position. The final months, he held his first grandchild, Evan, son of Elliott & Jennifer
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Dad dictating his life history to my brother Clayton |
"On my first visit to the hospital in August of 1975, after being informed that I had a potentially terminal illness, I lay thinking over my life, my future and my family. A remarkable vision was given to me at that time. I first saw a large pile of goods, and I recognized them as my own physical possessions. With them were other worldly goods which I dealt with every day in my work at ZCMI. Suddenly, they disappeared from my view, and I did not feel the slightest desire to look for them or to inquire as to where they went. My vision then showed me three things: one was my righteous family, the second was my knowledge, understanding and testimony of the restored gospel, and the third was the work that I had accomplished in the building up of the kingdom of God. Then, as though the person were standing at my side, a voice spoke to me and said, “This is what life is all about. That’s all there is that is important. That’s all there is to life.” I was then filled with a very comfortable feeling that the Lord had accepted my work and my life.
I want my family always to remember this story, and to place their values on the spiritual rather than the material things. I hope they will live their lives in such a way that theirs will be the riches of eternity. I want my family to know that I know with all my heart that God lives and is willing to bless us constantly through our lives, and that he wants each of us to succeed in living the gospel so that we can return and live with him in the Celestial Kingdom. I know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Savior and Redeemer of mankind, that he is the Lord of this earth and that he stands at the head of this church today. He reveals his will to his prophets and to every righteous priesthood holder and member of the church who seeks for divine guidance.
I have a great belief in the Holy Ghost, and on many occasions in my life, the power of the Holy Ghost has descended upon me and given me the knowledge and help which I needed in accomplishing the Lord’s work. I believe that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the only true church upon the face of the earth. And it is only by membership in the church that we can receive the ordinances of salvation and the principles and doctrines which are needed for entry into the celestial kingdom. I believe in living prophets and that as members of the church, we need to follow the living prophets. While we glean much wisdom and guidance from the prophets of old, it is the living prophets who show us the way to go today. I leave this testimony for the guidance of my family, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."
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